

Interior designer Laetitia de Tarragon and DPLG architect Anne Beaugrand unveil their first joint villa in Corsica. A real playground for their demanding vision of unique interiors and exteriors… and connected.
A specialist in connected interiors, with whom Laetitia de Tarragon has been working for several years, is one of them. “We identify people who have real talent that you can’t find elsewhere, to build places that are unique and connected.
elsewhere, to build exclusive living spaces exclusive places to live”, say the two professionals, who have just delivered their first joint project, a sculptural villa on the edge of the Grande Bleue, in the heights of the Mediterranean.
in the heights of Porto Vecchio. Here, on the Isle of Beauty, their globetrotting clientele are looking forward to landscaped exteriors… and equipped with the very latest technology. “Fibre has just been deployed in Corsica, Parnasse has set up there… everything is now possible,” enthuses Anne Beaugrand. Having an excellent connection so you can work from home, being able to heat the swimming pool before you arrive, having connected speakers or a home cinema on the terrace… these are just some of the things that future homeowners want, thanks to home automation that has been thought out in advance and integrated into every project signed by the promising duo.
designed by the promising duo of Anne Beaugrand and Laetitia de Tarragon. /
Surprisingly, it wasn’t on a building site that they met for the first time, but on the water. It has to be said that these two daughters of the sea – Laetitia de Tarragon is from Brittany, Anne Beaugrand is from Corsica – have sailing written all over them. This common ground, along with their top-of-the-range positioning and their habit of delivering made-to-measure creations, led them to explore their complementarities. “Together, we can offer
Anne Beaugrand was able to take advantage of the constraints of the sloping site with a stepped design.
From sourcing the land to choosing the right toothbrush, and including connections and home automation, inside and out,” they explain, describing themselves as “personal builders”. Their strengths? Creativity and a keen sense of listening, essential for building a relationship of trust with each customer, as well as with a network of hand-picked partners.
with a hand-picked network of partners. Parnasse, a digital player supported by the Orange Group

